Add value to your guests’ stay by proposing offers related to their destination.

New sales within the context of the trip as soon as the reservation is made.

Smart Upsell

Offer your customers additional services, your own or others’, and increase the value of their stay from the time they make their reservation, helping them plan their trip.

Send alerts with your suggestions of the hotel or the destination's services.

Offer the very best care, responding to your customers’ requests as soon as they arrive.

Content Control

Customize the design of the offering by personalizing (pictures, videos, prices, discounts, etc.) and decide when, how, and who to send them to.

Activity Monitoring

Conversion analysis differentiated by offer and sales channel (email, reception, Wi-Fi, etc.), comparison with other hotels’ average sales.

Geolocation and mobile

Geolocalize your suggestions on the map so your customer can plan their stay.

Compatible with handheld devices so content can be accessed at any time.


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